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Wods Custom
1) Every 10' for 3 Rounds
40 Wall Ball
30 TTB
20 Clean & Jerk
2) AMRAP 10'
15 Wall Ball
15 Pullups
3) AMRAP 8'
15 TTB
4) AMRAP 16'
10 Burpees Bar Facing
20 Snatch 35/25 kg
30 DU
5) For Time
Pull ups
Cal Row
Db Snatch 22,5/15 kg
6) Amrap reverse 12'
On fait le wod dans un sens puis dans l'autre
32 DU
16 Box Jump overs
4 Hang Power Clean 60 / 40 kg
4 Front Squats
4 Shoulder to Overhead
7) For time
100 DU
80 Wall Ball 12/9 kg
60 Deadlifts 70/50 kg
40 Hang Power Cleans
20 Cal Row
10 Strict HSPU
8) "Creeping Death"
For time
100 Wall Balls
75 TTB
75 Cal AB
75 Dbs Shoulder To Overhead 22,5 / 15 kg
30m Db Overhead Walking Lunges 30/20 kg
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